(Borrowed extensively from The Wyoming Riddler)
Every riddle leads to a medallion. The medallion is the proxy item you need to find and exchange for the prize. You must find the medallion and personally bring it to me. Once you find it, email me with details about where you found it and we will arrange a time and place to meet. At that time, you may redeem the medallion for the prize. The medallion and prize exchange must be done in person. I will not accept photographs, mailed or anonymous claims. Armchair solutions will not be accepted. This is a boots on the ground hunt.
Some of The Wyoming Riddler's medallions. Mine will be similar. |
The riddle tells you the location. It can be found by using a street map of the greater Grand Rapids, Michigan area. You must figure out how. I will not deceive you.
Additional clues will be issued on the first Tuesday of every month until solved or until midnight on the last day of February. If the riddle is not solved by midnight on the last day of February, the game will end and the treasure will be added to the following year.
You may email to ask questions. However, I will not answer questions that result in an advantage to you. By emailing questions, you are giving me authorization to post them publicly (without your name included) if I choose to do so.
My home or place of employment have no bearing on the medallion’s location. I have told no one of its location. Everyone is eligible to participate including past winners and their relatives.
You are looking for an oval metal medallion about the size of an index card. It has identifiable markings beyond those pictured, so attempting to counterfeit a medallion will be of no use.
There is no cost to you. It is free for the enjoyment. This is a game and it’s just for fun. In the spirit of Joe Cramer (The Wyoming Riddler) I do ask you to remember the dangers related to chronic carbon monoxide poisoning.
Additional Stuff
In consideration of participating in this treasure hunt or any Read and Seek treasure hunt, and for other good and valuable consideration, you agree to release and discharge from liability Martin Smith and all other persons or entities acting for him (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Releasees") as follows:
1. You acknowledge that treasure hunting involves known and unanticipated risks which could result in physical or emotional injury and property damage.
2. You expressly accept and assume all of the risks inherent in this activity. Your participation in this activity is purely voluntary and you elect to participate despite the risks. In addition, if at any time you believe that search conditions are unsafe or that you are unable to participate due to physical or medical conditions, then you will immediately discontinue participation.
3. You acknowledge and accept that participation in any hunts hosted by Martin Smith, Read and Seek and/or The Grand Rapids Riddler does not guarantee or entitle you to a prize or compensation of any sort.
4. In the event that there any entry fees or purchases required to participate in a hunt, you agree that refunds are not provided should you find or not find the medallion.
5. You hereby voluntarily release, forever discharge, and agree to indemnify and hold harmless Releasees from any and all claims, demands, or causes of action which are in any way connected with your participation in this treasure hunt.